Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pulpit Supply This Sunday

Our pastor Harris was out of the pulpit this Sunday on a much needed vacation. In his absence we were treated by the "pulpit supply" of Bowden McElroy. Many of you know Brother McElroy from his web log Interregnum. The message he delivered was entitled "Love Does No Harm", and was taken from Romans 13:8-10. Below you will find a brief outline. You can listen to the mp-3 audio here. Brother McElroy also supplied Trinity's pulpit back in March. You can listen/download those two messages at Trinity's audio site. We are always sad to see pastor Rod absent from the pulpit, but brother McElroy was more than capable in providing a faithful gospel-centered message. Thank you, brother Bowden McElroy.
What makes the church? The church is a body, a group of believers, gathered together in the name of Christ who do this: Leave no debt outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another. (Romans 13:8)
  1. Love is an action, a debt to be paid, not a feeling.
  2. Love is ongoing. Love never quits. We can never say "enough".
  3. Love does no harm.
Challenge: Think about what a church is. It is not a building, set of rules, or grouping of tradions. God has called you here to love one another.


art rogers said...


What a great picture! It was good meeting you last night. I hope to get to spend a little more time with you the next time we are in the room together.

I am sure Bowden did a great job, as well.



Wayne Hatcher said...

Thanks. That was the only shot I took. I got Bowden at his best on the first try. I was thinking later that night, how stupid for us to run out after the meeting without speaking to you a bit more, and I also failed to introduce my wife Suzan to you. I hope to run into you again soon. Pastor Rod is the one you need to get to know, though. He's one of those faithful soldiers in the trenches who never blows his own horn. When he preaches he doesn't roam the platform and wave around, like Stetzer, but he is every bit as dynamic and articulate. And besides all that, he preaches Christ and Him crucified.

In Him,