Wednesday, April 19, 2006

You Were Grafted In

It has been such a warm spring, and yesterday was so beautiful, I got up early before work and grafted a young pecan tree so that it would bear paper-shell pecans in the future. Every time I graft I think about Romans 11. What a wonderful, startling, and fearful picture of being included in God's gracious covenant. I took pictures to show the process. You can view the slide show if you like. Update: I failed to mention that this is called a four-flap banana graft, and the variety being grafted on is "Pawnee". Yes, I know, in Romans 11 Paul is referring to olive trees. Even though I am sure the type of graft was different, the same principle applies. I guess the illustration that grabs me is the fact that that little "dead" piece of scion wood gets its life from the stock, or "root". Simply amazing.

1 comment:

Wayne Hatcher said...

Thank you for your comment. Beautiful, yes. Everything about this time of year is beautiful. A display of the power, goodness, and majesty of God.

I'm glad you enjoyed.