Friday, January 13, 2006

Purpose Driven vs Pilgrim

The topic for Tabletalk Magazine this month is The Pilgrim's Progress. This issue alone is worth the annual subscription price. As a matter of fact the fine art work and just one article are worth the annual subscription price: In his Right Now Counts Forever segment, Dr. R. C. Sproul makes a very apt and pointed contrast between The Pilgrim's Progress and The Purpose Driven Life. Here is an excerpt from that article.
There is a stark contrast between the second best-seller in the history of the English language, second only to the Bible, namely, John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, and the runaway best-seller of the last two years, The Purpose Driven Life. In Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, we see set forth in masterful literary style the depths and the riches of the biblical Gospel. When we compare it to The Purpose Driven Life, we see a book in which it is difficult to find a full explanation of the biblical Gospel. Justification, the relief from the burden of sin that weighs down the soul, is all but absent in the setting forth of a new and different gospel of achieving or discovering purpose in one's life. One of the leaders of the recent emerging church movement boasts that he has not mentioned the word "sin" in the last ten years of his preaching. He wants to make sure that his people will not feel crushed by guilt or by a loss of their self-esteem. When the acute awareness of guilt is removed from the conscience, there is no sense of the burden of sin. There is no sense of being under the crushing weight of the law of God that bears down upon our souls relentlessly. However, if we turn our attention to the insights of Bunyan set forth in the Christian classic Pilgrim's Progress, we see a story that focuses on the groaning pressure of a man who is weighed down to the depths of his soul with a burden of which he is unable to rid himself. It is like the apostle Paul's description in Romans 7 of the body of death that crushes the spirit. In the very first paragraph of the first page of Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan pens these lines: "As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place, where was a den; and I laid me down in that place to sleep: and as I slept I dreamed a dream. I dreamed, and behold I saw a man clothed with rags, standing in a certain place, with his face from his own house, a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back. I looked, and saw him open the book, and read therein; and as he read, he wept and trembled: and not being able longer to contain, he brake out with a lamentable cry; saying, 'What shall I do?'" When preachers announce from their pulpits that God loves people unconditionally, there is hardly any reason for the hearer to feel any burden or cry out with any lament, saying, "What shall I do?" If indeed God loves us unconditionally and requires nothing of us, then obviously there is no need for us to do anything. But if God has judged us according to the righteousness of His perfect Law and has called the whole world before His tribunal to announce that we are all guilty, that none of us is righteous, that none of us seeks after God, that there is no fear of God before our eyes, that we are in the meantime, before the appointed day of judgment, treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath, then anybody in his right mind (and even those in their wrong mind) would have enough sense to cry out the same lamentation, "What shall I do?" The story of Christian is the story of a man who is burdened by the weight of sin. His conscience was smitten by the Law, but where the Law is eliminated in the church, no one needs to fear divine judgment. Without the Law there is no knowledge of sin, and without a knowledge of sin, there is no sense of burden. The pilgrim knew the Law, he knew his sin, and he realized he had a burden on his back that he could not, with all of his effort and his greatest strivings, ever remove. His redemption must come from outside of himself. He needed a righteousness not his own. He needed to exchange that weighty sack of sin on his back for an alien righteousness acceptable in the sight of God. For the pilgrim there was only one place to find that righteousness, at the foot of the cross.
R. C. Sproul, Christian Loses His Burden, Right Now Counts Forever, Tabletalk Magazine, January, 2006, p. 4-6. Ligonier Minsitries, Inc., 400 Technology Park, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Learn more about Tabletalk Magazine.


Ron Henzel said...

Brilliant analysis of our woeful contemporary situation!

Wayne Hatcher said...

Yes, R. C. has made a very astute assessment of the situation.